Fairy Circus--Flying Squirrel Act--Vintage Dorothy Lathrop Illustration, originally uploaded by finsbry.
Dorothy Pulis Lathrop, American (1891-1980)
An old painting a day.
Dorothy Pulis Lathrop, American (1891-1980)
I just love the idea of a flying squirrel act! I want to see it! :o)
Cute! Looks more like chipmunks to me though.
Was this a print? How was it done? It's beautiful really.
Hi! All I know is she was a children's books illustrator. This drawing is so cute, I just had to repost it. Fisnbry has a terrific flickr, I recommend a visit.
I searched Fisnbry on Flickr to no avail. Mispelled perhaps?
I misspelled her name, sorry. But she's quite easy to find, simply follow the link right bellow the image, where it says Finsbry (that's the correct spelling).
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